October 10, 2001
A Recently Passed Resolution from the Wyoming District Pastor's Conference on
the Issue of Syncretism and Union by LCMS Officials
WHEREAS, the Scriptures declare that "a bishop must be
blameless...holding fast the faithful word that he has been taught, that he be
able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict, those who contradict."
(Titus1:7-9,Table of Duties); and
WHEREAS, our Lutheran Confessions remind us regarding our "hallowing of
God's Name" that:
Since we see that the world is full of sects and false teachers, all of whom
wear the holy name as a cloak and warrant for their devilish doctrine, we ought
constantly to cry out against all who preach and believe falsely and against
those who attack and persecute our Gospel and pure doctrine and try to suppress
it, as the bishops, tyrants, fanatics, and others do. Likewise this petition is
for ourselves who have the Word of God but are ungrateful for it and fail to
live according to it as we ought. If you pray the petition whole-heartedly, you
can be sure that God is pleased. For there is nothing he would rather hear than
to have his glory and praise exalted above everything else and his word taught
in its purity and cherished and treasured. (LC, III, 47-48); and
WHEREAS, according to the Constitution of The Lutheran Church - Missouri
Synod, conditions for acquiring and holding membership in the Synod, include the
"renunciation of unionism and syncretism of every
description..."(Article VI:2); and
WHEREAS, Dr. C.F.W. Walther states in Church and Ministry (Kirche und Amt)
...it may happen that such a service is required of evangelical[Lutheran]
servants to tempt them, namely, whether they will collude with their superiors
or whether by their presence they will approve or confirm the wicked worship. In
such cases it is not permitted to attend false worship. For if our liberty is
tried and our consent is forced from us against our will by fraud, then
according to Paul's example (Gal. 2:5) we must in no way yield to the enemies of
the truth. (Mueller trans., p.131); and
WHEREAS, Dr. Walther likewise reminds us in The Proper Distinction between
Law and Gospel that
When the union of churches was actually put into effect in Prussia,
multitudes of Lutherans suddenly awoke from their spiritual sleep, remembered
that they belonged to the Lutheran Church, and declared that they would never
forsake the faith of their fathers. In fact, they chose to see themselves
evicted from their homes, imprisoned, and expatriated rather than consent to a
union of truth with error, of the Word of God with man's word, of the true
Church with a false Church. (Thirty-Second Evening Lecture, p.333); and
WHEREAS, Dr. Francis Pieper reminds us in his Christian Dogmatics that
Another symptom of uncertainty is unionism, which pervades the life of the
Church today. Unionism has no scruples about practicing church fellowship with
spirits that are not of God. But one who is sure of the divine truth thinks and
acts according to the order of Christ: "Beware of false prophets"
(Matt. 7:15), and the admonition of Paul: "Avoid them" (Rom.16:17),
and the instruction given by "the Apostle of love" with regard to
Christian fellowship: "If there come any unto you and bring not this
doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him Godspeed; for he that
biddeth him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds (2 John 10-11).
(Pieper,I:118); and
WHEREAS, Dr. David Benke, Atlantic District President, participated in"
A Prayer for America" at Yankee Stadium in New York City, which was a
memorial service in response to the terrorists attacks in New York City, along
with several Jewish rabbis, several Muslim clerics, and at least one Sikh and
one Hindu cleric on September 23, 2001; and
WHEREAS, President Benke has previously publicly apologized for his
participation in a joint prayer service involving Roman Catholics, Muslims and
Jews in a signed statement on October 22, 1998, which states as follows:
"My participation in this service was a direct violation of the Holy
Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, and consequently, a violation of the
Constitution, Bylaws and doctrinal resolutions of The Lutheran Church-Missouri
Synod. I also recognize that my participation in this interfaith prayer service
was a violation of my duties and responsibilities as an elected officer of The
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. While well-intended, what I did was wrong. I
therefore sincerely and publicly apologize to the Synod for my actions in this
connection. I assure the Synod that I will not repeat this error in the future
by participating as an officiant in ecumenical services;" and
WHEREAS, LCMS Synodical President, Dr. Gerald Kieschnick, issued a statement
supporting President Benke's actions, both before and after the fact; and
WHEREAS, as reported in the ELCA News service on September 21, 2001,both
President Benke and President Kieschnick had already participated in a joint
worship service held days earlier at an ELCA congregation in Manhattan with
presiding ELSA Bishop H. George Anderson and several ELSA bishops, and at which
President Benke stated that the differences between the ELSA and the LCMS
"seem so trivial"; and
WHEREAS, the 61st Regular Convention of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
a few short months ago declared that "we can not consider them [the ELSA]
to be an orthodox Lutheran church body." (Resolution3-21A); and
WHEREAS, the above actions of President Benke and President Kieschnick have
generated great discussion and concern within the church at large; therefore be
Resolved, That we, the pastors of the Wyoming District, memorialize the
President and the Presidium of the LCMS to answer the following questions on
behalf of the Church:
1) Why are there discrepancies between the statement/prayer of President
Benke as reported in President Kieschnick's statement and what President Benke
actually said at "A Prayer for America"?
2) What evidence is there, as stated in President Kieschnick's statement,
that the prayer service at Yankee Stadium was "led by Christians?"
Furthermore, why was it reported in the said statement that "at least one
Muslim" was involved, when several Muslim clerics, several Jewish rabbis, a
Sikh, and a Hindu were involved?
3) How do we "witness" through prayer to those whom we should first
lead to repentance before praying with them? Can they pray with us if they do
not believe in Jesus Christ as we only have access to the Father through Him?
Further, if we ask them to pray with us, when they cannot, are we giving them
false comfort and assurance?
4) In what ways does the quotation provided by President Kieschnick from the
document, "The Lutheran Understanding of Church Fellowship: A Report on
Synodical Discussions "in his statement of September 25, 2001,relate to the
context and issues actually being addressed in that document?
5) In what contexts is it, if ever, permissible for us to ask Muslims, Sikhs,
Hindus, Jews, and confessing members of other false religions to pray with us?
If so, whose God is being prayed to?
6) In what way are we able to refer to heathen as "brothers and
sisters"? Does not Holy Scripture refer to them as enemies of the Gospel?
7) In what ways did President Benke's participation result in a clear witness
that salvation is found only in Jesus Christ?
8) In what ways do the actions of President Benke, and their subsequent
support by President Kieschnick, speak to those Christians (e.g. Nuers in Sudan)
who are being tortured and martyred because they will not acknowledge that Allah
is God? How do we address this very real concern of theirs that we have
seriously compromised the faith?
9) Our Synod has stated in Convention that we can no longer consider the ELSA
"to be an orthodox Lutheran church body." What are the implications
for the participation of President Benke and President Kieschnick with the
highest ranking ELSA officials in a joint worship service, as well as the
Synod's stated desire to address our concerns and our ongoing relationship with
the ELSA?
10) Given the attention that the events surrounding the terrorist attacks
have gained world-wide, in what ways do the actions of President Benke and
President Kieschnick send a clear Scriptural and Confessional witness to those
church bodies throughout the world with whom we are in fellowship and who look
to us for guidance?
11) In what way does the following quotation from Herman Sasse apply to these
Where man can no longer bear the truth, he cannot live without the lie. Where
man, even when dying, lies to himself and others, the terrible dissolution of
his culture is held up as a glorious ascent, and decline is viewed as an
advance, the like of which has never been experienced.(Union and Confession,
12) Has President Benke been encouraged to break his word and his public
acknowledgment that he previously acted in violation of the Scriptures, the
Lutheran Confessions, his stated responsibilities as a District President and
his promise to never participate in ecumenical services again? If so, in what
ways did the Synodical President, Presidium and Council of Presidents help him
in the keeping of his promise, or aid him in breaking it?
13) In the end, have President Benke and President Kieschnick in their
elected offices upheld or violated their stated duties, including the
"renunciation of unionism and syncretism of every description..."
(Article VI:2)?; and be it further
Resolved, That we request the President and the Presidium to respond to the
Wyoming District with answers to these questions by February 1, 2002 in order
that our circuit winkel conferences can consider them before our Spring Pastor's
Conference; and be it finally
Resolved, That this response be made available to the Synod-at-large given
the common concerns that exist among us, the gravity of the situation, and its
many and varied implications for the future of our "walking together"
and remaining unified in our proclamation of the Gospel.
Unanimously adopted by the Wyoming District Pastor's Conference
The Wyoming District of the LCMS adopted a lengthy
resolution questioning Atlantic District President Dr. David Benke's
participation in a joint prayer service with Moslems, and Jews at Yankee
Stadium. Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod President Dr. Gerald Kieschnick has
given his full support to Dr. Benke.
Now the Florida-Georgia District has passed a
resolution in support of Benke and Kieschnick. The Florida-Georgia District was
censured by the 1998 LCMS Convention for supporting open communion.
The following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote
at the FL-GA District Pastoral Conference at Daytona Beach Florida, October 10,
Whereas, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America have resulted in
horrendous death and grief to countless people, and
Whereas, the Good News of Jesus Christ calls us to minister to people in all
conditions, calamities and walks of life, and
Whereas, we the pastors of the FL-GA District of the Lutheran Church-
Missouri Synod, meeting Oct. 8-10, 2001 in Daytona Beach, FL, recognize the need
for leadership in serving hurting people with the love of Christ, therefore
Be it resolved that we commend The Rev. Gerald Kieschnick, President,
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and, The Rev. David Benke, President, Atlantic
District, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, for their gospel centered Christian
leadership in these unparalleled times, and,
Be it further resolved that Lutheran Christians everywhere boldly minister to
all people in this and in future times of crises.
The South Dakota District of the LCMS has joined the
Wyoming District in questioning Atlantic District President David Benke's
participation in a joint prayer service with Moslem's and Jews. The following
resolution was adopted by the pastors of the South Dakota District.
Subject: Requesting Clarity Regarding Participation in Joint Services
Whereas, Atlantic District LCMS President Benke's participation in the New
York City Prayer Service on Sunday, September 23, 2001 gave an appearance of
unionism and syncretism; and
Whereas, President Benke's participation was an attack on the Gospel by
presenting Jesus Christ as one of many from which to choose, thus is not
truthful nor loving, but only to hide the light of the Gospel under a bushel;
Whereas, It is not truthful, it is not loving for us to affirm Hindus, Jews,
Muslims and Sikhs as "my sisters and brothers", nor to affirm these
heterodox bodies and false religions, for we are commanded by Holy Scriptures
and our Lutheran Confessions to renounce false gods, as follows:
"I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or
my praise to idols" (Isaiah 42:8 NIV).
"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes
to the Father except through me' " (John 14:6 NIV).
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under
heaven given to men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12 NIV).
"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness
and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in
common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and
idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: 'I will live
with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my
people' " (2 Corinthians 6:14-16 NIV). and
Whereas, The President and Council of Presidents' support of this action has
caused much concern within our synod and has brought into question the future of
our "walking together" and remaining unified in our proclamation of
the Gospel; therefore be it
Resolved: That we, the pastors of the South Dakota District LCMS, request the
President and the Presidium of the LCMS to review the event and statements of
support made by the President and Council of Presidents to see if they are in
accordance with Holy Scriptures and Article VI:2 which includes the
"renunciation of unionism and syncretism of every description"and be
it finally
Resolved: That the Presidium respond publicly to all districts and
congregations of the LCMS as to their findings and their application and support
of the Lutheran Confessions.
Adopted by the Fall Pastors' Conference, South Dakota District LCMS, during
their regular Business Meeting on October 10, 2001